
Seller's Agent

Get to our Buyers 1st!

Private Buyer

Why choose us?

We provide you with the missing link - The Buyer. Check if we have buyers for you and should you have a match, OFFER your property to the buyer via Private Buyer. Extend your EXPOSURE in the market, by advertising, on our web-app. We advertise without photos, and only makes it available after initial contact with a prospective buyer. Advertising is FREE. We only require an initial commitment to pay our Transaction Fee once a successful transaction is concluded.

Should you decide to work across agency and area borders, you should protect your sellers from the risk of paying double commission and protect yourself against being cut out of deals. Convince your Seller to insist on all role-players to use our unique Cause4Sale Register, where we register all parties playing a role in the effective cause of the sale, to protect your income and ensure fair reward to all parties involved in the transaction.

Private Buyer

Find Buyers For Your PROPERTIES & BUSINESSES Through PrivateBuyer!

Sign Up as a Property Practitioner


Greater Exposure To The Market

We include fractional ownership and allow advertising without photos, to keep things private and for those sellers who don't want their properties or businesses to be recognized as for sale. By advertising what buyers want, as well as properties for sale, your exposure in the market would snow-ball. Buyers bring sellers and sellers bring more buyers.

Superior Ability To Manage The Buying Process

ONE Property - ONE Listing We only advertise the Primary listing of a property or business on our web-app. We then record all leads originated from it against the Primary agent's name on our unique Cause4Sale Register. We provide you with your own dashboard to ensure full transparency of your transactions.

Extra Earning opportunities through teamwork

You don't have to go it alone in striving for financial independence. We provide you with additional earning opportunities, by enabling you to earn passive income from users you introduce to us, providing a platform to source the buyers you are looking for. Turn what you are already doing into your own business, without changing employment.

Register & Manage

Control contacts, activities, leads, referrals, matches and documentation on our Cause4Sale register.

Needs Analysis

Complete & advertise needs analyses, telling the market what your buyers are looking for.

Offer For Sale

Offer your property or business to our buyers and advertise it on our platform.

Account & Wallet

Control your commission split to reflect on the payment certificate and your royalties in your wallet