
Seller's Attorney

Add Property & Business transactions to your service offering through Private Buyer!

Private Buyer

Why choose us?

As an Attorney you are at the mercy of sellers and / or agents to get property transfers to do. We offer you the opportunity to get in a position where you can control the source of property and business transfers, thereby increasing your exposure in the market, creating more clients.

We allow you to initiate the process by registering what your clients are interested in buying on our unique Cause4Sale Register. We then advertise what they are looking for on our web-app. Sellers are requested to register their matching properties or businesses on the same register and we record the match against against you and your client.

We provide you with a dashboard to keep record of these matches, securing your role in these transactions and see to it that you get remunerated accordingly, with the added bonus of possibly securing the transfer.

Use Private Buyer to deal with your favourite real estate practitioners in an orderly and structured way, thereby building loyalty by providing them with extra leads, involving them in your transactions.

Our business model provides you with the opportunity, to TAKE ON AN ENTREPRENEURIAL APPROACH within your existing practice. Choose to become a Promoter for Private Buyer and earn royalties, from the users you introduced to us first.

Private Buyer

Find Buyers For Your PROPERTIES & BUSINESSES Through PrivateBuyer!

Sign Up as a Practicing Attorney


Greater Exposure To The Market

We include fractional ownership and allow advertising without photos, to keep it private and for those sellers who don't want their properties to be recognized as for sale. By advertising what buyers want as well as properties for sale, your exposure in the market would snow-ball, as buyers bring sellers and sellers bring more buyers.

Superior Ability To Manage The Buying Process

ONE Property - ONE Listing. We only advertise the first listing of a property or business on our website. We then record all leads originated from it against the Primary agent's name on our unique Cause4Sale Register. We provide you with your own dashboard to ensure full transparency of your transactions.

A Team Of Professionals

A Team of Professionals - You don't have to be alone in search of your ideal property. Use the global network we are building to search for you. This includes transacting service providers like; Real-estate agents, attorneys and brokers, supported by referring affiliates such as industry professionals & contractors, funders, body corporates, the public and community groups.

Register & Manage

Control contacts, activities, leads, referrals, matches and documentation on our Cause4Sale register.

Needs Analysis

Complete & advertise needs analyses, telling the market what your buyers are looking for.

Offer For Sale

Offer your property or business to our buyers and advertise it on our platform.

Account & Wallet

Control your commission split to reflect on the payment certificate and your royalties in your wallet